Home » China Aghast as Japan’s Chip Restrictions Take Effect
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China Aghast as Japan’s Chip Restrictions Take Effect

China on Monday expressed extreme displeasure after Japan’s new restrictions on chip trade took effect on Sunday.

Beijing has “lodged stern representations with the Japanese side and will firmly safeguard China’s interests,” said Mao Ning, spokeswoman for China’s Foreign Ministry.

“We hope the Japanese side will consider the issue in the context of China-Japan trade cooperation and its own long-term interests, comply with international trade rules and refrain from abusing export controls to avoid disrupting normal semiconductor cooperation between the two countries,” said Mao, according to Beijing-based Global Times.

Tokyo’s new restrictions on the trade of advanced chip-manufacturing equipment took effect Sunday.

At least 23 chip-manufacturing items will now require approval from the Japanese government for any possible exports.

The move, seen in alignment with the US-led efforts to check China’s IT industry, has angered Beijing.

However, Tokyo has not specified that Beijing was its target.

Bilateral relations between Tokyo and Beijing have spiraled down as Japan moves closer to the US which has around 50,000 soldiers deployed in Japan under a bilateral military pact.

However, China has reportedly suggested a three-way meeting with Japan and South Korea at the level of vice-foreign ministers.

Such a meeting, if it materializes, would be the first in four years.

Source: AA
